Wednesday, December 31, 2014
網售星洲名校試卷 小學家長瘋搶 WhatsApp接單夫婦涉侵權
記者:郭美華 洪藹婷
當地商人賣卷判罰款 她續稱,自己所賣的試卷購自當地一間二手書店,記者其後聯絡到這間二手書店的負責人,他自稱是馬來西亞人,揚言本港有名校小學老師每年來新加坡買試卷,當中以英文試卷最搶手。
記者日前向新加坡教育部,及其中11間試卷被越洋發售的新加坡小學查詢,新加坡教育部回覆指已交相關部門跟進事件,而11間小學至昨日未有回應。掌中包括南洋小學、地位如同本港女拔萃書院的萊佛士女子小學,及名氣如同本港喇沙小學的英華學校。 新加坡當地中小學的試卷一向搶手,不少家長為助子女入讀名校設法取得試卷供子女溫書備戰,當地傳媒上月報道有商人在承認盜印和販賣課外練習被判罰款後,竟又涉嫌出售16間學校的試卷,再度違法。當時新加坡教育部回應傳媒時強調,學校試卷為個別學校的知識產權,未經許可複製銷售屬侵權,教育部絕不容許。 部份試卷題目
Q1) Mr Rajah made Janice____ ten times around the track as part of her training for the ASEAN Games. (1) run (2) ran (3) runs (4) running 答案:(1) run
Q2) Vivian rarely goes to the shopping centre,____? (1) is it (2) isn't it (3) does she (4) doesn't she 答案:(3) does she
Q3) After I had returned home from my school camp, I was so tired that I____ on my bed and slept for three hours. (1) lie (2) lay (3) laid (4) lain 答案:(2) lay
Q4) Siti, together with her classmates,____ the bus to school every morning. (1) take (2) takes (3) is taking (4) are taking 答案:(2) takes
Q5)“Has anyone of you ever____ a giant tortoise?” Mr Cheng asked the class. (1) see (2) saw (3) sees (4) seen 答案:(4) seen 香港學生答題表現
記者:郭美華 洪藹婷
專賣新加坡試卷的網站由一對中年夫婦經營,今年年中開業,最初賣新加坡出版英文故事書,至本月初陸續推出網羅新加坡十大名牌小學的中、英、數考試卷影印本。這些試卷來自萊佛士女子小學(Raffles Girl Primary School)、英華學校(Anglo-Chinese School(Primary))及新加坡總理李顯龍母校南洋小學(Nanyang Primary School)等14間學校,每份試卷連答案賣70至200多元。
當地商人賣卷判罰款 她續稱,自己所賣的試卷購自當地一間二手書店,記者其後聯絡到這間二手書店的負責人,他自稱是馬來西亞人,揚言本港有名校小學老師每年來新加坡買試卷,當中以英文試卷最搶手。
記者日前向新加坡教育部,及其中11間試卷被越洋發售的新加坡小學查詢,新加坡教育部回覆指已交相關部門跟進事件,而11間小學至昨日未有回應。掌中包括南洋小學、地位如同本港女拔萃書院的萊佛士女子小學,及名氣如同本港喇沙小學的英華學校。 新加坡當地中小學的試卷一向搶手,不少家長為助子女入讀名校設法取得試卷供子女溫書備戰,當地傳媒上月報道有商人在承認盜印和販賣課外練習被判罰款後,竟又涉嫌出售16間學校的試卷,再度違法。當時新加坡教育部回應傳媒時強調,學校試卷為個別學校的知識產權,未經許可複製銷售屬侵權,教育部絕不容許。 部份試卷題目
Q1) Mr Rajah made Janice____ ten times around the track as part of her training for the ASEAN Games. (1) run (2) ran (3) runs (4) running 答案:(1) run
Q2) Vivian rarely goes to the shopping centre,____? (1) is it (2) isn't it (3) does she (4) doesn't she 答案:(3) does she
Q3) After I had returned home from my school camp, I was so tired that I____ on my bed and slept for three hours. (1) lie (2) lay (3) laid (4) lain 答案:(2) lay
Q4) Siti, together with her classmates,____ the bus to school every morning. (1) take (2) takes (3) is taking (4) are taking 答案:(2) takes
Q5)“Has anyone of you ever____ a giant tortoise?” Mr Cheng asked the class. (1) see (2) saw (3) sees (4) seen 答案:(4) seen 香港學生答題表現
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Top School Exam Paper 2014- Pri 6
Full Set w Chinese $68
Full Set withou Chinese $60
Price include Free Delivery and PDF copy of 2013 in CD
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
2014 PSLE results match last year's
The Primary 6 class of 2014 maintained last year's record of 66 in every 100 qualifying for the Express stream in secondary school.
This year's 66.4 per cent is close to last year's 66.7 per cent. Previously, the figure was between 62 and 63.6 per cent.
Last year's record result was due to a change in how some Primary School Leaving Examination questions were set. The Ministry of Education (MOE) had tweaked the more "challenging" questions to guide pupils in arriving at answers. Asked if questions were set this way this year, MOE said "the skill sets and knowledge required of candidates to answer the questions remain comparable".
Of the 42,336 pupils who took the PSLE this year, 97.6 per cent did well enough to move on to a secondary school, better than last year's 97.5 per cent.
About 20 per cent qualify for the Normal (Academic) stream, while 11.2 per cent are eligible for the Normal (Technical) stream.
At Kong Hwa School in Guillemard Road, more than 80 per cent of the Primary 6 cohort made it to the Express stream, like last year, principal Cheong Ye Ling said.
Like in the last two years, MOE did not name the top scorer to reduce emphasis on academic results. It also did not reveal the highest and lowest scores achieved by pupils in the cohort - a move that kicked in last year.
In line with this, some schools celebrated their top scorers in groups rather than individually. At Haig Girls' School and CHIJ Our Lady Queen Of Peace, for instance, principals asked pupils with aggregate scores of 250 and above to stand while schoolmates applauded them.
Haig Girls' School gave awards to pupils who did well in their studies and co-curricular activities. One of them, Irdina Maztura, 12, who scored 252 and hopes to join Methodist Girls' School, said: "My score is a reward for all the hard work. I want to join the debate team because it's very good." Non-mainstream schools did well too. In the best showing from the four Islamic schools since 2012, 98.4 per cent of 311 madrasah pupils who took the PSLE qualified for secondary schools, up from 89.3 per cent last year.
In a Facebook post yesterday, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim said he was happy over their good performance and proud of Aisyah Nurul Izza for scoring 269, the highest score by a madrasah student.
At Pathlight School, which takes in children with autism, 85 per cent of its cohort are eligible for mainstream secondary schools. Its top pupil scored 245.
Its co-founder, MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC Denise Phua, said: "The scores are not as important as the fact that these pupils benefited from the school's autism-friendly structures and strategies to do well in their studies."
But at San Yu Adventist School, a pupil who took the PSLE this year did not score better than the bottom third of mainstream school pupils. As the school has failed to meet this benchmark twice, it can no longer recruit Primary 1 pupils from 2016 to 2018.
See more at:
课外练习本一再“闹双包” 出版商“设圈套”抓盗版人
出版商PhD Education获得搜查令,与一支由律师、私家侦探和刑事侦查局知识产权组人员组成的队伍,突击搜查销售商Jeremy Exam Paper的其中两个摊位,发现16份盗版练习本。销售商今年5月同意赔偿3万元、公开道歉和签下承诺书不再侵犯PhD Education的版权。
请人专门出题的课外辅助练习本闹双包,出版商PhD Education赫然发现山寨版的内容一模一样,但它的标志不见了,售价也几乎只有正版的一半。
PhD Education在2012年推出中小学各级的课外辅助练习本才两个月,市面上就出现冒牌货。可是,PhD Education的合伙人没有抓盗版的经验,掌握的证据不足,无法讨回公道。不料,第一次发生闹双包事件未解决,又出现练习本再被盗版。
PhD Education合伙人之一李怡贤(29岁)受访时说,公司聘请在籍大学生和前教师出题,再由现任教师编辑成课外辅助练习本。但心血结晶面市不久,就成了试卷摊贩盗版的目标。
冒牌货去掉PhD Education的公司标志、以几乎正版售价的一半贩卖。PhD Education当时怀疑14个销售商中有人偷偷翻印它的练习本。基于大部分的销售商常补货,唯独一家称销售不佳,因此引起PhD Education的怀疑。
PhD Education于是设圈套试探该销售商,果然发现需求“不佳”的真正原因是销售商私下翻印和销售练习本。
第一次面对这样的问题,PhD Education经验不足,报警后发现没有下文。咨询律师后才获知,合伙人自己假扮顾客捉赃、拍照,证据仍然不足。
在接下来的四个月内,PhD Education向刑事侦查局知识产权组(Intellectual Property Rights Branch)、新加坡知识产权局和议员求助,但得到的都是同样的意见——出版商必须靠自己采取法律行动。
一波未平一波又起,市面上又出现盗版。在经过第一次的教训后,这一次PhD Education的合伙人做足准备。他们在两天内聘请私家侦探,以隐秘摄像机拍摄摊贩助理销售盗版练习本的过程。
去年4月10日,李怡贤与合伙人手持搜查令,与一支由律师、私家侦探和刑事侦查局知识产权组人员组成的队伍,突击搜查销售商Jeremy Exam Paper的其中两个摊位,总共发现16份盗版练习本。
尽管从发现第二次盗版至搜查销售商店铺前后才八天,但PhD Education与Jeremy Exam Paper的老板谈判拉锯了几乎一年。对方今年5月同意赔偿3万元、公开道歉和签下承诺书不再侵犯PhD Education的版权。
在与Jeremy Exam Paper谈判期间,PhD Education的律师也征得总检察署同意,以传票形式私人提控Jeremy Exam Paper的老板之一冯财金(译音,46岁),指他抵触版权法令。
PhD Education在2010年2月成立,当时只在网上销售练习本。由于业绩不理想,于是转为出版练习本,没想到遭盗版。
虽然获赔的3万元不足以抵消PhD Education支付私家侦探和律师的酬劳,但李怡贤认为必须坚持打击盗版。
Jeremy Exam Paper的老板之一冯财金上个月承认侵犯PhD Education课外辅助练习本的版权,被罚8000元。
Sunday, November 9, 2014
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